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Filament Minding Movies from Cadfil the worlds leading software for filament winding


2 Axis Pipe Winding

The Cadfil-Pipewinder software is used to control this 2 axis filament winding machine from CNC Technics with Siemens CNC control. High speed continuous machine operation can be achieved using Cadfil. Cadfil-Pipewinder is used in many factories worldwide. Helical winding, hoop (circ) winding and continuous combined winding can be easy programmed using a simple parametric user interface.

4 axis LPG Cylinder winding using CADFIL-Lite

Cadfil-Lite software for filament winding was used to control this CNC filament winding machine from CNC Technics. Cadfil-Lite can be used for all types of closed end pressure vessels such as LPG, CNG cylinders to large storage tanks

6 axis winding of a rocket casing using CADFIL-Axsym

This archive video show CADFIL 6 axis filament winding on a rocket casing using a Pultrex machine with Fanuc CNC controls. Details on Cadfil filament winding software can be found at The use of all 6 axes allows the fibre band to be placed on the mandrel surface without any twisting action that causes band width variation. The same winding action can be achieved using a 6 axis robot, Cadfil has been successfully used with standard Kuka and ABB but can be configured for any Robot with a high level interface such as KRL or RAPID.

Test Wind With a Kuka Robot

Fun(?) with string! A quick trial during a Kuka robot install. In the absence of the fibre delivery system (still to be installed), a stand, some string and a Biro were used, such is engineering ingenuity!! This shows the robot actions in winding a low angle path that closes out the base of the bottle and the much larger diameter bottle neck. Because it was a test there are some programmed stops near the bottle neck. In this Cadfil mode the bottle is orientated relative to the fixed fibre payout head such that the fibre band lays flat to the mandrel surface. winding in this mode a totally standard robot can be used with no external axes. Cadfil can be used with virtually and CNC machine or Robot.

Cadfil Demonstration of 6 axis winding using a Kuka robot. This setup uses no extra (external) axes or special robot customisation. The payout is just a simple fixed position roller. The wide thermoplastic tape is unheated in this demonstration which makes it particularly difficult to wind in a stable way but this works will because Cadfil is fully aligning the tape to the surface. Cadfil is the most advanced systems of use with 6 axis robots.

Road Tanker Winding using CADFIL-Spar

Unlike pressure vessels, road tankers for transportation of liquids under gravity are made of double-‘D’-shaped cross-sectional profiles in order to keep the overall centre of gravity low for better stability and vehicle road holding. No winding process for such non axi-symmetric profiles with integral-end dome winding has been developed so far. This innovation is intended for the filament winding of such tankers.

These composite tankers are more resistant to water and many chemicals. Their high strength-to-weight ratio and stiffness-to-weight ratio make them lighter and long lasting. They offer 45% weight saving over a steel tanker. The jointless winding of shell in an automated machine makes production faster and the product stronger. Two tankers can be made in a day vs. several days for steel. A factor of safety of six or above is guaranteed without any resin leakage.

Pipe T fitting Winding using CADFIL

The first Cadfil T winding was made for the chemical industry back in 1989! The programs shown were fully developed in the Cadfil software. The winding program shown with Kevlar was showcased on the BSD stand at the K show Dusseldorf (K89). A number of patterns are required to full cover the Tee. It is possible also to wind without cross the ends but the pattern possibilities and wind angles become more limited.

A great time-lapse movie of winding a rocket casing that our customer Cesaroni Technology generated using Cadfil Software. I hope you enjoy it! It shows a full winding sequence with many helicals, hoops and transition and also a shrink tape at the end.

Updated: 23 September 2021