Cadfil Examples
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We are currently creating a brand new suite of training videos in order to better explain various aspects of the software. These are guided recordings of how the different areas of the software can best be used, and are designed to be used either on their own, or in conjunction with the help topic files listed with each video below. The file sizes of the recordings are too large to upload to the website, however these are available to download on request.
Available Cadfil training videos
- CTV001 - Hoop winding ribs onto a cylinder using formulaic winding created in a spreadsheet (see also Hoop winding using spreadsheet formulae) This example shows the process of adding additional ribs for radial strength. The ribs, which are hoop wound, start with a wider width, but taper in and become narrower. This change in width is defined formulaically by a spreadsheet.
- CTV002 - Creating a mandrel in Cadfil Axsym (see also Overview of Mandrel & Envelope Creation and Editing of Mandrel and Envelope X, R Data) This example shows how the Cadfil mandrel editor can be used to create a complex axisymmetric mandrel surface.
- CTV003 - Creating a pressure vessel with endcaps (see also Vessel With Endcaps) This video is a fully worked example on creating a pressure vessel with endcaps, including defining the mandrel parametrically, creating a helical path and a hoop path, and creating a joining path between them.
- CTV004 - Creating a joining path (see also Joining Path Wizard) This example shows the creation of a joining path from the x- end of a cylinder and back to the x- end.
- CTV005 - Multi-pipe winding (see also Cadfil Pipewinder - Multi-pipe) This example shows the creation of a pipe defined parametrically, using the material properties database, with hoop and helically wound layers, using automatic joining paths between layers. Offset is also calculated using the constant "good length" calculations, then the multiple payout path is viewed.
- CTV006 - Cadfil FEA pressure vessel example (see also the Cadfil FEA page) This example shows how to export a pressure vessel wound with helical and hoop wound layers as a NASTRAN bulk data file.
- CTV007 - Cadfil licence update (see also the apply licence section of the cadfil install page) This example shows how to apply a new licence upon receiving the email containing the licence. This video can be watched online here.
- CTV008 - Cadfil Elbow (see also the Cadfil Multi-Bend Ducts/Pipe Option (MBD) page) This example shows how to create a winding path for an elbow of constant internal diameter using the Multi-Bend Ducts option. The elbow is specified and modelled in CAD software, and is inputted into the Cadfil mandrel editor as a set of coordinates.
- CTV009 - 3D Graphics Window (see also the Advanced Graphics Window page) This example shows how to use most of the functions available in the Cadfil 3D Graphics window, from winding animation and zoom pan and rotate, through to static scenes and clash detection